I think that more birth parents need to know that adoption is such a great blessing and not some bail-out to get them out of responsibility. Adoption blesses bloth sides. The birth parents are able to move on with their lives and continue to reach the goals that had previously set before the pregnancy, and the adoptive couple is able to fulfill a life-long dream! Both sides take a lot of love to complete the adoption process. This makes the birth parents especially brave and considerate, regardless of what the world tells them.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Austin Rolled Over!

Yes, last night after we put him to bed and turned out the lights, after we left the room, so that we could not see, Austin rolled over in his crib from his belly to his back.

How do I know this? Simple, really. Brett put him down on his belly to sleep (don't gripe at me all you back-to-sleepers, its the only way Austin will sleep for longer than 30 minutes at a time). Austin was almost asleep. Then, after he turned out the light and shut the door, we heard Austin talking to himself (cooing and gurgling, really, but you get my point). After a few minutes we heard him go "oh" and get really excited. Then he started fussing a little. So, I walked in to try and calm him. I turned on the light, walked over to his crib and there he was, lying on his back, smiling at me as to say "look what I just did!"

I called to Brett and asked him if he'd laid Austin on his back, very well knowing what the answer was. He came to see why I'd asked such a question, very well knowing why himself. We both stared in amazement at our growing little boy.

We pulled him out of his crib and placed him on the soft, carpeted floor and cheered encouraging words and clapped our hands all for the sake of trying to get him to do it again...to no avail.
After a little while we called it a night and finally put Austin to sleep in his crib (this time with no contest from him).

Maybe next time he'll decide to roll over in front of the camera. ;)

1 comment:

Our Happy Family said...

They grow so fast!!!! Here I am a stay at home mom, so I can see all of Baylee's cute things she does. The first time she rolled over I was over at the church for mutual night with the youth and she rolled over for my parents. The first little step she took, I was outside doing a yard sale and everyone in the house came out telling me. Here I waited to see all those firsts and I missed them anyway. :)