I think that more birth parents need to know that adoption is such a great blessing and not some bail-out to get them out of responsibility. Adoption blesses bloth sides. The birth parents are able to move on with their lives and continue to reach the goals that had previously set before the pregnancy, and the adoptive couple is able to fulfill a life-long dream! Both sides take a lot of love to complete the adoption process. This makes the birth parents especially brave and considerate, regardless of what the world tells them.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mother's Day Out

In the next couple of weeks I'm going to be putting Austin in somewhat of a pre-preschool for one day a week. Its a place with a Christian curriculum and they actually have lesson plans for kids under 3 years old. So, it makes me happy that its not just a day care center and that he'll be in a Christian environment. And its on my way to the gym! I also like that we can just do one day a week, because I don't know if I could handle any more than that emotionally. I already feel guilty that I'm considering one day a week. Afterall, I'm supposed to be a full-time mom. I'm supposed to be able to teach him his ABC's, 123's, shapes, colors and all that good stuff, all the while keeping the house clean, cooking supper at night, and keeping myself in shape...somehow...right?

Well, it'll be great for Austin to learn how to play with other children. And I get some time to workout, sew and clean up the house without feeling like I'm neglecting my son. :) Hot bikini bod, here I come! HAHAHAHA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

loved your honesty. I hate though how mom's have so much guilt. I really do think one day will be so good for him. You can teach him those things but socially he will learn from being out and about and I have read a lot about even just that once a week, helps them become more independent and able to feel confident when you aren't around. good luck! have fun!