We had a great time with the Prescotts this weekend! We left on Friday morning from Mountain Home, met up with Dana and the boys in Tulsa and headed over to Oklahoma City. Austin seems to be doing better and better traveling as he gets older. We'll pop a Baby Einstein DVD in the player and it'll keep him occupied on an otherwise boring stretch of pavement.
Oh! But first I must tell you about the bikers we saw on the way there! We stopped at a Gas Station on the way to Tulsa and saw a big group of bikers.
Austin LOVED the bikes. He said "Ooh!" every time one reved its engine. He stood there for 20 minutes hardly moving an inch just watching all the bikes. Boy am I in for it. :P (Side note: I'm not a biker hater. Most of them I'm sure are good people with a love for the open road and wind through their hair...or across their scalps. ;) I simply don't like them because of the people who don't exercise caution for them while driving and wind up causing the fatal accidents. That's my beef with bikes.)
So, once we arrived in OKC, we went to eat supper at this really great Mexican Restaurant that gives you complimentary hot handmade tortillas along with your chips & salsa. YUMMY! I absolutely MUST find a great homemade tortilla recipe after having that experience! No more store-bought Mission tortillas for this family!! :)
The next day, after Keith and Dana went to the temple, we went to this HUGE outdoor wildlife Expo. It was pretty cool. There was a part where the kids got to experience some primitive means of hunting such as Atlatl, Goose Knocking, Ax Throwing, and Archery. Then, inside the arena they had all kinds of booths surrounding this huge pond where kids were kayaking.
One of the booths had a big tank of freshwater fish by which Austin was completely enthralled! (Remind me to get a fish tank with some guppies or goldfish for him for Christmas.) And two booths down from the fish were 3 people holding falcons and talking about falconry. While Micajah was mezmerized with the art of falconry, Austin just wanted to stare at the birds. So, we stayed and watched the birds for another 20 minutes. Although, there was much more to see at the expo, we were all getting hungry and Dana had a $25 off coupon to a really awesome BBQ place just down the road. So, we couldn't pass that up!
After we ate our fabulous plethera of BBQ'd meats, we headed back to Tulsa. Dana and I stopped at the Stake Center for the General Relief Society Conference and the boys went back home.
Conference was great! I always dread going to them, but I'm always glad I'm there after I arrive. This time was no different. Its kind of like working out. You never really wanna go, but once you're there, you're glad you went. I suppose these things are like getting a spiritual workout. :) So, back to the Women's Conference...we were delighted with a sit-down lasagna dinner with our choice of peach, cherry, or apple cobbler for dessert with ice cream and entertainment from some Mong young women who did a couple of Mong dances for us while we ate! It was quite the cultural experience! Which leads me to think...wouldn't it be so cool to see first hand every culture's style of dance? And wouldn't it be even cooler to see it in their native land? THAT would be quite the bucket list item!
So, anyway, after we went to church the next day, we played outside with the boys, took some pictures, and Austin got to run around naked for a while, while I took more pictures worthy of blackmail later in Austin's life...not that I would actually use them for blackmail... ;)

As, Sunday was winding down, Dana and I were outside with the boys while eating breakfast for supper. Keith had me make a dozen scrambled eggs. Well, I volunteered to make eggs and he suggested I make a dozen. So, it was a large portion of eggs we served with some pancakes. The boys noticed the large portion of eggs and I mentioned how many eggs Gaston would eat when we was a "lad". Dana knew exactly who I was refering to and we entertained the boys with a little bit of Gaston's song from Beauty and the Beast. I don't think they knew who or what we were singing about, but it seemed appropriate...you know, for the eggs. :)
I like to think our weekend was pretty enjoyable. I enjoyed it and Austin always loves hanging out with the boys. I think he and Zachary are warming up to each other. And Brett didn't seem to complain too much. ;)
1 comment:
He looks like he has so much fun with the Prescotts. I can't wait to see my boy again! Memaw looooooooooves Austin
Love you guys a lot,
we leave WEd. for Chicagoooooooo
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