Another thing Austin is doing now is figuring out his feet. He loves staring at his toes and reaching for his feet. Sometimes they keep him entertained for a full 10 minutes. Its funny to see him grab his feet and topple over sideways, then roll back onto his back and start all over again. :)
I decided that I wanted to cut some hair off of the back of Austin's head. I wanted to save his baby hair & put it in his scrapbook before he lost it all.
Hahaha! I'm kidding! Though I really did cut his hair as you can see in the above picture. I got the hair that I wanted, but I did quite the hack job. Its crooked and uneven. I can't very well get it straight though. He's far too interested in what I'm doing when I'm trying to make it look better (scissors in hand). We'll just have to wear cute little beanies when we go out in least until his hair grows back out. ;)
I'm still adding videos to Austin's blog. Hopefully I'll have it completely updated by the end of the month. We'll see. ;) Click HERE if ya wanna take a peek!
Oh, I almost forgot! I made some curtains for Austin's Nursery. The white sheers alone weren't blocking out enough sunlight and were making it difficult to put Austin down for a nap. So I added these today to his window. They worked like a charm! It was so much easier to put him down for his naps today. YAY!
awwww he grows so fast!
LMBO at the hair, but my bigger question is where do you get the wig?
and great curtains!
The wig is Brett's. He has no idea where he got it. He's had it for about 8 year now. We pull it out whenever we want a good laugh.
How is it possible that he gets cuter every day??
Yeah, I have no idea. Just when I think there can't possibly be a cuter kid the world, he does just that.
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