Attempts on the Potty: 18
Accidents in the Undies: 4 (HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?!)
Successful Potty Trips: 7 (YAY!!!!!!)
I have to be completely honest. If you'd told me that Austin would have those kinds of stats by "Day 3" of this 3-day intensive potty training adventure, I would have been disappointed. My expectations at the beginning were this: Austin would give me fits the first two days resisting my insistence on going peepee and poopy in the potty. I would be completely exhausted from fighting a defiant 2-year-old by day three. The whole potty training ordeal would be a thorn in my side. But on day three he would finally give in and totally submit himself to the potty everytime, telling me when he needed to go.
Every expectation BUMPED!
Sure, "Day 1" was hard and tiring, but it was the first day. Every first day of something new is always kind of confusing and tiring. But "Day 2" brought consistency and new accomplishments! It became a fun game to see how many pieces of candy Austin could get. And I never even realized that I was HAVING FUN until "Day 3".
Ahh. Good ole "Day 3". It was a great day. Only 4 accidents! And three of those were before his nap when we were outside playing in the garden. Well, Austin was playing in the garden. I was pulling weeds, not paying attention to Austin's cues. But that was the slight disappointment about Day 3. Austin still doesn't come tell me when he needs to go potty. I have to read his cues. We'll be working on that in the next few days. Nevertheless, I still had fun! I've LOVED watching him closely, reading his every move and facial expression. I've loved neglecting chores to play with my toddler all day long. I've loved his bright, happy, dramatic reaction to the simple act of having a successful potty trip! Its been so much fun watching him learn the past 3 days.
I know we're not done. We still have a long way to go...like using verbal signs to communicate when he needs to go and making it through the night. But I'm grateful for "Patty's Potty Plan" and all that its taught both my little tike and myself. By the way, if you noticed, the number of attempts has decreased over this 3 day period. That's because we no longer have to go every 10 minutes. I've gotten pretty darn good at reading his cues. :)
I hope you've enjoyed reading about our little adventure. I've sure enjoyed living it...surprisingly.
God Bless!
- Kate