Ok, so I really don't have time to blog about how the dance recital went. Well, maybe just a little blurb...
Dance Recital went really well! It was my first dance recital to direct. I've been in countless recitals and helped produce a few more, but this was my first as THE dance teacher, coreographer, and director. Not to mention, I had TONS of help from my main gal, Tina Smithee...owner of the dance studio.
We had a few little mishaps with music, curtains, lights, and placement of the girls here and there, but overall, I think it went GREAT! I was pretty pleased and we got compliments. :) I love my girls, but I'm so glad its over.
Things I've learned from this experience...
1. I WILL NOT be the only dance teacher next year. I found myself running around like a chicken with its head cut off. AND I was dancing the ENTIRE time! The girls asked me after the recital why I was so sweaty. I told them "you only had to dance a couple of times, while I was dancing the whole recital through."
2. More teachers = more help back stage, more help coordinating, more help coreographing dances, more help picking costumes, more help wrangling kids, etc.
3. Nothing, not matter how perfectly you plan something, will ever go as planned. So be prepared to wing it! ;)
Ok, so enough with the dance recital and on to the main topic of my life...AUSTIN!
Wanna see some pictures we've taken lately? Of course you do. ;)
Hangin outside while the weather's nice
Austin and his new trike that Aunt Dana gave him! He LOVES it!
Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh...Batman! (w/ no britches)
Austin was kinda shy about getting into the water when we went out on Norfork, but in his defense, that water was pretty cold at first.
Austin and his first tube ride! (but not his first time on the lake)
Woohoo, Dad!
All tuckered out. :)